This is a collection of my favorite recipes. This blog is mainly for me. I wanted a place to keep all my recipes where I could pull up the recipe where ever I may be from my phone or computer. These are recipes I have TRIED and LOVED. I have a LONG waiting list of recipes I want to try that I hope to add soon. I have collected these recipes over the years and unfortuantely do not remember where I got all of them. If I know the source I have given credit where credit is due. If you stumble across my blog and find YOUR recipe, please let me know and I will give you the credit!

Spinach Balls

I was trying to think  of a name that would excite my kids to eat these. But something about Popeye's balls or Shrek balls didn't sound right, so..... spinach balls it is. :-)  I L.O.V.E.D. these as a kid. I remember my mom making them. When I was grown and asked her for the recipe it took her a minute to remember what I was talking about, so maybe she didn't make them as often as I remember. They really made an impression on me though.

2 packages frozen spinach, cooked and WELL drained
2 cups herbed stuffing mix
1 cup Parmesan
6 eggs beaten
3/4 cup butter, melted
garlic powder
Worcestershire sauce

Mix all ingredients and form into balls. Put on a cookie sheet and freeze. At this point you can put them in a freezer bag and pull out as many as you need at a time, or you can bake all of them immediately.
Bake from freezer at 375 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

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